Excerpt from the Business Policy

The passenger transport contract

MVK Zrt. provides the scheduled, public passenger transport services on the basis of a passenger transport contract. Under this contract, the passenger acquires the right to use the scheduled public passenger transport service provided by MVK Zrt. and at the same time undertakes to pay the fare and to comply fully with the legislation on public passenger transport services and the provisions of the business policy. By concluding a passenger transport contract, the passenger accepts the provisions of the business policy in full and acknowledges that they are binding on him/her. The passenger acknowledges that the terms and conditions of the business policy form an integral part of the passenger transport contract.

Use of public passenger transport services

The passenger can use the public passenger transport service provided by MVK Zrt. with a valid travel document. The ticket must be validated upon boarding and the valid travel document must be presented to the driver or ticket inspector for verification.

Travel discounts

The general travel discounts and the beneficiaries entitled to them are set out in the Government Decree No. 38/2024 (II.29).

Travel documents

Travel document: a generic term for the original document used to prove the conclusion of a passenger transport contract and the right to use a public passenger transport service.

A document representing the right to travel, which may be a ticket, pass or other valid paper or electronic document proving the conclusion of a passenger transport contract.

Transport of luggage

Each passenger is entitled to carry either of the following items free of charge: up to 2 pieces of hand luggage of a size not exceeding 40x50x80 cm or 20x20x200 cm, or 1 sledge or 1 pair of skis or 1 bundle of wrapped tree-saplings or 1 pram/baby stroller not exceeding the indicated size limit or 1 wheelchair. By derogation from the above, hand luggage which meets the above conditions but weighs more than 30 kg is not allowed to carry on the vehicles. Ice-skates, any other sharp objects and tools of any kind may be carried only in a closed bag and in a packed condition for the entire duration of the journey.

Transport of live animals

Live animals may be transported in closed containers not exceeding the size of allowed hand luggage, which is suitable for transporting animals and which ensures that the live animal does not escape during the journey, or that the passengers' clothing, luggage or the vehicle is not contaminated as well as that the physical integrity of the passengers is not endangered.

Dogs may be carried without a closed container, muzzled and on a lead, for a fee.

Police- and assistance dogs may be transported free of charge.

Not transportable

Vehicles may not carry items that endanger the safety of passengers (explosive, flammable, self-igniting, toxic, corrosive, infectious substances, loaded firearms, plate glass), but they include all substances that may damage or contaminate passengers' clothing and/or the vehicle equipment, and items that are particularly dangerous for public safety [as defined in detail in Decree No. 175/2003. (X. 28.)].

For safe travel on vehicles and in passenger areas, it is prohibited

  • to lean out of the window of vehicles, reach items in or out of windows, throwing or dropping items in or out of windows, holding items out of windows;
  • to eat ice-cream;
  • to roller-skate, skateboard, ride a scooter, bicycle, or tricycle (pedestrian traffic is allowed in passenger areas, including wheelchairs, other mobility equipment and prams/strollers),
  • to travel under the influence of alcohol or intoxication to an extent that may endanger the safe use of the vehicle;
  • to contaminate a vehicle, other persons' clothing or luggage with any kind of food or drink;
  • to consume any food and/or alcoholic beverages on the vehicle;
  • to smoke or use electronic cigarettes or electronic devices imitating smoking;

Ticket verification

MVK Zrt. is entitled to verify the payment of the fare and the observance of the terms and conditions of the Business Policy by its drivers and ticket inspectors (the employees of the service provider entitled to verify). The passenger must present or must be handed over on request his/her paper travel document, or if the travel document purchased through the mobile ticket service, his/her mobile device holding the travel document, the 24-, 48-, 72- or 120-hour Miskolc Pass tourist cards, as well as other travel documents, or other documents proving the entitlement to a discount for inspection at the stopping point before the start of the journey, when boarding the vehicle, throughout the journey or when getting off from the vehicle, at the request of the authorised inspector.

The ticket inspector and the driver shall be considered as persons performing public duties pursuant to Article 459 (1) 12 (n) of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code.

The full text of the Business Policy can be found at www.mvkzrt.hu/uzletszabalyzat and can also be viewed at MVK Zrt. Customer Service Office and ticket offices.

For any questions or comments, please contact our Customer Service Office:

Telephone: +36 46 504 810,

Address: 3530 Miskolc, Szemere u. 5.

Customer service contact details