(1) The passenger shall pay a penalty fare of HUF 6,000.00, i.e. six thousand Hungarian Forints on the spot, if he/she:

  • uses the services of MVK Zrt. without a travel document (a document representing entitlement to travel such as a ticket, pass or other valid paper or electronic document proving the conclusion of a passenger transport contract) or with an invalid travel document or unlawfully uses any travel benefit;
  • travels with an invalid or expired 24, 48, 72, 120-hour Miskolc Pass card;
  • unable to present his/her electronic travel document during the inspection due to reasons attributable to him/her.

(2) A penalty fare of HUF 6,000.00, i.e. six thousand Hungarian Forints shall be paid on the spot by a passenger, who commits any of the acts defined as prohibited in clause 5.2 of the Terms and Conditions of the Business Policy and/or travels with a travel document that is apparently or presumably falsified, physically, chemically or electronically manipulated.

Passengers are not allowed to:

  • travel in any way that is not in accordance with the legal provisions;
  • transport a dog, bicycle or oversized object without paying the prescribed fee;
  • misuse of tickets and passes, that can be purchased;
  • transport a bicycle or oversized object in a vehicle in which it is not allowed to be carried, whether or not he/she has a valid ticket or pass for the transport of bicycles;
  • carry any item that cannot be carried as luggage, hand luggage or oversized object in a vehicle,
  • soil the vehicle by himself/herself or by with his/her hand luggage, oversized object or live animal;
  • activate the hazard alarm, emergency brake or emergency door opener without due cause;
  • refuse to show or hand over his/her paper travel document or the mobile device carrying his/her travel document purchased with a mobile ticket service, despite being requested to do so by the service provider's inspector;
  • travel with any food product (food or drink) which may soil the vehicle, the clothing or luggage of other passengers, including but not limited to the carriage of food products (any food or drink product) in unpackaged form or non-resealable packaging;
  • consume any food and/or alcoholic beverages on the vehicle;
  • violate the rules on the carriage of luggage, live animals and bicycles;
  • endanger the safety of road or rail traffic, the health or safety of himself/herself or of his/her passengers, or the integrity or cleanliness of the vehicle or its equipment, by his behaviour or condition, or by the nature of the luggage, live animals or bicycles he/she is transporting;
  • travel as a passenger with a contagious disease that endangers the health of other passengers;
  • talk to the driver while the driver is driving or disturb the driver in any way while the driver is carrying out his or her work;
  • remove the seal from the sealed equipment forming integrated part of the vehicle;
  • remove a glass-breaking hammer fitted to a vehicle as a safety device without a due emergency reason justifying its use
  • damage, interfere with or obstruct the operation of the ticket validating device in any way;
  • operate audio-visual devices (e.g. radio, tape recorder, walkman, discman, mp3-mp4 player) and mobile phones and/or related devices at a volume that may disturb others;
  • get on the vehicle with roller skates on legs;
  • ride an electric scooter on the vehicle or use an electric scooter in any way on the vehicle;
  • beg on the vehicle;
  • smoke or use electronic cigarettes or devices imitating smoking in vehicles or passenger areas;
  • behave in a scandalous, indecent, unlawful or in a way, which violating the terms and conditions of travel;
  • disturb public transport or other passengers in any other way;
  • damage in any way or scribble on the property, vehicles or equipment of the service provider;
  • make any other unauthorised use of the service;
  • engage in any activity that is contrary to the requirements of the proper exercise of rights;
  • get on or off the vehicle after the departure signal has sounded;
  • damage or scribble on street furniture, passenger information devices and traffic signs at stops and terminals;
  • sell any goods or services or display or place any notice, advertisement or information-carrying device containing any information and/or information without authorisation on vehicles, stops or terminals;

(3) If the service provider's ticket inspector detects a violation of the Travel Terms and Conditions of the Business Policy, he/she shall inform the passenger of the fact of his/her violation or conduct and of the existence of his obligation to pay the penalty fare.

(4) In the event of a penalty fare being imposed for the reasons set out in clause (1), the receipt handed over after payment of the penalty fare on the spot shall include a block of 5 tickets. The conditions of use of the tickets in the block are the same as the ones for the pre-purchased paper ticket.

(5) In the event of a penalty fare being imposed for the reasons set out in clause (2), the receipt handed over after the penalty fare has been paid on the spot shall not include a block of 5 tickets.

(6) If the passenger is obliged to pay a penalty fare under clause (1), the ticket inspector shall offer the passenger the possibility to pay the penalty fare on the spot. If the penalty fare is paid on the spot, the passenger may continue his journey only if

  • validates one of the paper tickets included in the receipt provided after payment of the penalty fare, or
  • purchases and validates a ticket in another way (e.g. from the driver or using the mobile ticket app), or
  • validates another ticket that he/she already has but has not yet validated.

If the passenger does not wish or is unable to pay the penalty fare on the spot, he/she may pay it in another way and at another time, but at an increased amount, according to the provisions of the Travel Terms and Conditions of the Business Policy but may only continue his/her journey by validating a ticket. If this is not done, the passenger will be excluded from the use of public transport.

(7) If the passenger is obliged to pay a penalty fare under clause (2), the ticket inspector shall offer the passenger the possibility to pay the penalty fare on the spot. If the passenger does not wish or is unable to pay the penalty fare on the spot, he/she may pay it in another way and at another time, but at an increased amount, according to the provisions of the present Travel Terms and Conditions of the Business Policy but may only continue his/her journey by validating a ticket. (7) If the passenger is obliged to pay a penalty fare under clause (2) and will be excluded from the use of public transport.

(8) Non-payment of the penalty fare on the spot does not affect the passenger's right to submit a complaint about the validity of the measure. In the event of non-payment of the penalty fare on the spot, the ticket inspector of the service provider will issue a promissory note for the penalty fare.

(9) The service provider is also entitled to the penalty fare if the passenger has been excluded from the trip by the service provider.

(10) If the amount of the penalty fare is not paid on the spot, the amount of the penalty fare will be increased from HUF 6,000 to HUF 10,000, which can be paid at the Customer Service Office of the service provider within 8 calendar days after the day of the impose of the penalty fare. If the increased penalty fare of HUF 10,000 has not been paid by this deadline, the penalty fare will be increased to HUF 20,000.

(11) The passenger is not entitled to the block of 5 paper tickets if the penalty fare not paid on the spot.

(12) The penalty fare shall be reduced to HUF 1,000 if the passenger is present at the Customer Service Office of the service provider within five working days of the day of the impose of the penalty fare (subsequent presentation of the pass):

  • a valid monthly or 30-day pass slip, pass ID that he/she already has at the impose of the penalty fare;
  • a valid ID card with a photo, together with the valid pass slip containing the number of the ID card at the impose of the penalty fare;
  • in the case of travel with a paper pass slip without a number, present the pass slip with the number written on it by the ticket inspector (if the passenger travelled with a pass ID - student card - or any other photo document suitable for personal identification and the serial number of the relevant pass ID [student card], photo document suitable for personal identification was not written in the pass slip with ink and the ticket inspector writes the number on the paper pass slip after the passenger's details have been recorded, then the passenger shall present the paper pass slip to the Customer Service Office);
  • the student card with a validation sticker, if the passenger travels with a student card without a validation sticker,
  • a certificate issued in place of the valid student card.

If the 5 working-day deadline for presentation is not met, the general penalty fare rates will be applied.

Subsequent presentation of tickets is not possible.

(13) A late payment and procedural fee of HUF 30,000 shall be paid in addition to the HUF 20,000 penalty fare by anyone who fails to pay the debt within 30 days.