MVK Zrt. allows the possibility of bicycle transportation exclusively on its Škoda trams, which is indicated by the bicycle stickers placed on the vehicles.

The place designated for the transportation of bicycles are indicated by pictograms placed in the interior of the Škoda-type electric vehicles. It is allowed to transport bicycles exclusively in these places marked with the pictogram. Due to the size of places dedicated for this purpose on the Škoda tram, up to 2-2 bikes can be transported at once. Passengers bringing a bicycle to the tram shall be responsible for ensuring a safe, clean and accident-free transportation of the bicycle during the entire period of transportation. Furthermore, the passenger shall be obliged to properly fix the bicycle. No bicycles can be transported which are specially designed (cargo, tandem, motorized, etc.) or on which packages are fixed, or which cannot be fixed due to its design. Only one piece of bicycles can be transported per person.

If the passenger transporting a bicycle causes any damage on the vehicle or on the staging platform to MVK Zrt. or a third party, he shall be liable for the damage. MVK Zrt. does not assume any liability for the damage caused to the bicycle of the passenger by a third party.

In addition to the fee for bicycle transportation, the passenger has to pay also for the passenger transport, thus the passenger transporting the bicycle has to have a valid ticket or permanent ticket card and a permanent ticket receipt or other travel document also for himself.

One passenger can transport only one bicycle, for which the purchase and validation of 1 piece of 1-day ticket for a bicycle shall be necessary. The 1-day ticket for a bicycle can be exclusively purchased in advance. The 1-day ticket for a bicycle is valid for 24 hours from the validation time of the ticket, for the entire length of the tram lines, used on the trams. After the validation, it can be used for 24 hours without limitation, as a valid proof of bicycle transportation.

If the passenger does not have a pre-purchased 1-day ticket for a bicycle, he can purchase one for the transportation of the bicycle at the driver of the vehicle. In this case, the 24-hour validity period does not apply to the ticket purchased - as it is not a 1-day ticket for a bicycle. The ticket purchased at the driver is valid for a single travel.

Persons travelling with a wheelchair or pram have priority over cyclist if they get on the tram at the same location. Due to the interruption of the started trip for this reason and due to the cancellation of the further trip for this reason, MVK Zrt. will not refund the paid fare (the price of the ticket validated for the transportation of the bicycle) to the cyclist.

If the travelers listed above take the vehicle in different locations, MVK Zrt. shall be obliged to transport those of them who got on the vehicle at the earlier stop. The driver may prohibit taking the vehicle with a bicycle in case the vehicle is overcrowded or if it would cause an obstacle to the passengers. Passengers who wish to board with a bicycle can use door no. 2-5 of the Škoda tram for boarding.

The passenger transporting the bicycle shall be exclusively responsible for a safe transport of the bicycle. In such cases, MVK Zrt. does not assume liability for any damage or other events arising out of transportation in an inappropriate manner. Closed bicycles in a wrapped up state may be transported only if they do not exceed the size of hand luggage.

It is possible to transport a bicycle on the combinations of vehicles of the State Forest Railway line of Lillafüred (LÁEV) without disturbing the other passengers, by purchasing a full-price ticket specified in the price list.

More information is available here

One-wheel vehicles or small-sized bicycles of a size of 20” or less can be transported free of charge, if the passenger can place it in any of the spaces serving for the storage of hand luggage, without disturbing the other passengers.

For all the other bicycles - including also foldable bikes - a bicycle ticket must be purchased, and if the train is marked with the booking of a bike place is obligatory sign in the timetable, also the bicycle space must be provided. One passenger may carry only one bicycle with himself, and children under the age of 12 are only allowed to carry their bicycle with themselves under the accompaniment of an adult. The bicycle ticket must be purchased also if the passenger disassembles his bicycle (for example, if he removes one of the wheels), but he transports the parts during the single trip. Otherwise, the disassembled bicycle can be placed on the train in the same way as the hand luggage. Bicycles equipped with a motor or battery cannot be transported on the train.

Tandem-bicycles can be carried only in a bike carrier car and not only in the other spaces of the railway wagon (e.g. the lobby of the first or the last wagon). A ticket for bicycles must be purchased also for tandem-bicycles.

Bicycle trailers can only be transported in a vehicle part marked with a pictogram (in a multi-purpose space) or in a wagon dedicated to the transport of bicycles. In a multi-purpose space only one bicycle trailer can be transported. One passenger can transport only a single bicycle trailer, if he carries also a bicycle with himself.

It is possible to transport a bicycle trailer with two pieces of additional bicycle tickets purchased in addition to the bicycle ticket and passenger ticket of the traveler. Therefore a passenger transporting a piece of bicycle and a piece of trailer, must purchase three pieces of bicycle tickets in addition to his own travelling ticket. This rule is applicable also to the discounted bicycle tickets, bicycle tour tickets and the permanent tickets for cyclists.